“The first step to having healthy skin is knowing and understanding your skin type,” says…
Don’t Let Your Teenager Go Back to School With Acne: Let Us Help!
As summer comes to a close and the first day of school approaches, you’re probably already taking your teenager shopping for new clothes and shoes. As a former teenager yourself, you know how important it is to them to look their best on that first day of school!
If your son or daughter struggles with acne, it’s also a great time to have their acne checked and treated by one of our nurse practitioners trained in skin care.
“Eighty-percent of those who struggle with acne are between the ages of 12-17,” says Dr. Richard Price, of Price Skincare Clinic in Ridgeland, MS. “Acne can lead to unsightly scars, poor self-esteem and depression. So it’s important for teenagers to see a skin care professional for treatment and to learn how to incorporate a healthy skin care regimen into their daily routine.”
Teenagers are often already self-conscious about their changing bodies and acne can make that worse. It can be painful, embarrassing and a bother. But it doesn’t have to be. In recent years there have been a number of effective advances in the treatment of teenage acne.
“Our nurse practitioners are trained to recommend a customized daily skin care routine and medications including face wash, retinoids, antibiotics and hormonal recommendations,” says Dr. Price. “These treatments can work in tandem to treat existing acne, prevent new outbreaks and lesson the likelihood of scarring.
Schedule An Appointment Today
Don’t let your teenager go back to school with acne! Schedule an appointment today with one of our nurse practitioners and let us help!
Call Price Skin Care Clinic at: (601) 992-3996.