JUVÉDERM® XC is a smooth gel filler that many skin doctors use to instantly smooth away wrinkles and lines around your mouth and nose.
With only one treatment, you’ll get smooth and natural-looking results that last up to a year.
JUVÉDERM® XC is produced utilizing HYLACROSS™ technology, resulting in a smooth-consistency gel.
It is infused with lidocaine to enhance comfort during treatment. With JUVÉDERM® XC you obtain the smooth results you expect, with the improved comfort you’re looking for.
Everyone will notice, but no one will know.
Everyone’s skin ages differently and JUVÉDERM® XC can be used to rejuvenate various problem areas. From smile lines to vertical lip lines, you can smooth away unwanted wrinkles and restore your skin’s natural shape.
Smile Lines (or “Parentheses”)
Juvederm – Dermatologist Jackson, MSSmile lines (nasolabial folds) run vertically from the bottom of the nose to the corners of the mouth. This is a popular area that many women seek help with for treatment from a dermatologist or physician.
While individual results vary, after just one JUVÉDERM® XC treatment most patients see a real difference, with a noticeable softening of the smile lines.
In any case, parentheses lines have a place but not on your face!
Marionette Lines
Marionette lines are the vertical facial wrinkles and folds that form under the corners of the mouth. These lines will often give the appearance of sagging and/or a frowning downturned expression.
Vertical Lip Lines
Facial wrinkles above and around the lips can begin to appear over time due to ordinary lip muscle movement. However, environmental factors such as exposure to sunlight, smoking and stress can also contribute to how the area around our lips ages and the formation of vertical lip lines. The good news is that JUVÉDERM® XC dermal filler can soften those with typically just one treatment from a dermatologist or physician!
Your skin naturally contains hyaluronic acid. When you’re young, you have plenty of this substance, which is why younger people have naturally wrinkle free skin.
However, aging, exposure to things like sunlight, and a poor skin care regimen make your hyaluronic acid start to vanish, and your facial skin begins to sag and wrinkle.
This is why dermatologists agree that JUVÉDERM® XC works so well – it simply replaces the hyaluronic acid that your skin has lost!
Skin is made up of two different layers: the dermis (the inner layer) and the epidermis (the outer layer.) Hyaluronic acid absorbs water and keeps the inner layer of the skin moisturized. As hyaluronic acid vanishes over time, the dermis loses its moisture and wrinkles form. JUVÉDERM® XC simple adds more of this molecule to your skin, giving you plumper, healthier and younger-looking skin.
The best part? JUVÉDERM® XC is made with patented HYLACROSS™ technology. This means that it lasts longer, so you won’t need to come back in for touch-ups as often. In fact, JUVÉDERM® XC is the only gel filler with results that can last up to one year. It’s one of the least time consuming skin care treatments available!
JUVÉDERM® XC’s long lasting results are not its only benefit. By choosing JUVÉDERM® XC, you receive a personalized treatment, in which your doctor or dermatologist works with you to ensure that the substance is injected to make you look natural and wrinkle-free.
Its results are so natural that no one will know that you’ve had anything done!
On top of this, JUVÉDERM® XC works on many different skin types, and, once injected, is so smooth that you won’t know that it’s there. You receive a quick treatment, will look younger and will be thrilled with the results!
Like with all dermatological medical treatments, there are several steps that must be followed before receiving JUVÉDERM® XC.
First, you must meet with Dr. Price to discuss your options. You’ll have to go over your medical history and list any medications or vitamins that you take daily. It is best if you avoid NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications) like aspirin and ibuprofen, for one week before you receive JUVÉDERM® XC.
Next, Dr. Price will examine your facial skin to see where you will benefit the most from JUVÉDERM® XC. There are two different forms of JUVÉDERM® XC: JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC and JUVÉDERM® Ultra Plus XC. The latter form is for deeper wrinkles, while the former is for those that aren’t so deep.
Once your examination is complete, you’ll receive JUVÉDERM® XC in order to reduce your wrinkles. Dr. Price will smooth out the gel once it has been injected, and around fifteen minutes later, you’ll be done.
After you receive JUVÉDERM® XC you’ll have to be careful for the next few days. You’ll need to avoid sun exposure and alcoholic beverages, as well as not exercise for at least 24 hours afterwards.
As with all dermatology treatments, there are several side effects that could occur after receiving JUVÉDERM® XC injections. These include bruising, swelling, firmness, redness, pain, tenderness and slight bumps where the gel was injected. However, you’ll see results right away and they’ll last for up to one year!
Take your young skin back without having to undergo surgery or other costly skin care treatments! Call Dr. Price today to see if JUVÉDERM® XC will work for you!