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(601) 992-3996 | 230 Trace Colony Park Drive, Suite 2 - Ridgeland, MS 39157

Teenage Acne Part 2 :: Do’s and Don’ts for Managing Teenage Acne

Although acne can affect anyone regardless of age, race or gender, teenage acne accounts for 80 percent of the cases, affecting most often young people between the ages of 12-17.

For teenagers who are already self-conscious about their changing bodies, acne is just one more annoying part of growing up. The skin condition can be painful, embarrassing and a nuisance. But it doesn’t have to be.

“There have been a lot of advances in the treatment of teenage acne,” says Dr. Richard Price of Price Skincare, Ridgeland, MS. “Today, we can help treat existing acne, prevent new outbreaks and lessen the likelihood of scarring.”

In the second of this two-part series, we’ll give you some tips for managing teenage acne. In the first part of this series here, we answer basic questions about acne.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Keeping Clean
• Do wash your face twice a day and after sweating.
• Do use your fingertips to apply a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser.
• Do rinse with lukewarm water.
• Do use gentle alcohol-free products and oil-free products.
• Do shampoo regularly. If you have oily hair, shampoo daily.
• Don’t wash your face more than twice a day as this can irritate and dry out the skin, which triggers the production of oil and increases the likelihood of an acne outbreak.
• Don’t scrub your skin and don’t use rough cloths or sponges as they can irritate the skin.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Daily Life
• Do keep your hands off your face throughout the day. It’s a hard habit to break, but touching your face off and on can cause acne outbreaks.
• Don’t squeeze or pick at acne. This can drive acne bacteria deeper into the skin, aggravating the condition and leading to permanent scarring.
• Do keep out of the sun and away from tanning beds. Some acne medications make the skin extra sensitive to harmful UV rays emitted by the sun and tanning beds. Plus, these rays damage your skin and increase your risk of skin cancer.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Consulting a Doctor
• Do consult a doctor if your acne is affecting your self-image or making you feel depressed.
• Do see a doctor if you’ve tried products that aren’t working.
• Do see a doctor if your acne is leaving scars or darkening your skin.

For more information about acne and available treatment options, call Price Skincare Clinic in Ridgeland, MS for an appointment at: (601) 992-3996.

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